Gillian Deegan
![Gillian Deegan](/sites/default/files/images/portrait/Gillian%20Deegan.jpg)
Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney, Botetourt County, VA
Gillian Deegan is the Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney in Botetourt County VA. In addition to handling her other cases, she is responsible for prosecuting all of the animal cruelty and neglect cases in her county. She regularly serves as a resource to law enforcement and prosecutors across the Commonwealth and nationally in matters pertaining to animal welfare. She regularly speaks and provides training in the investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty cases. In addition to serving as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney, she worked as a Contract Attorney for the Animal Legal Defense Fund and was on the faculty of the North American Veterinary Community’s Animal CSI Certificate Program. She sat on the Board of Directors for the International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association and was Vice President of the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force. She is on the faculty of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, and is a member of their Animal Cruelty Advisory Committee. She is the legal advisor for the American Bloodhound Club and the Virginia Bloodhound Search and Rescue Association. Deegan has been recognized for her work in animal welfare by the National Animal Control Association, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the Virginia Animal Control Association and the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies. In addition, she was honored by the United States Marshall Service for exemplary dedication to Community Service and unyielding commitment to animal welfare and abuse prevention.