Resources by Species

  • Dogs


    We couldn't ask for more than the unconditional love and loyalty we get from dogs. Use our resources to help you do your very best for man's best friend while they are in your care.

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  • Sample Cats Picture


    Humanely managing community cats is your best path to reducing the number of unowned cats in your shelters and in your community. Use our resources to get ahead of any potential conflict with neighbors and policy-makers, increase the effectiveness of your trap-neuter-return (TNR) efforts, collaborate with wildlife conservationists and more.

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  • Horses

    Horses + equines

    Throughout history, horses and humans have shared a unique and powerful relationship. Today, these beautiful animals continue to occupy a cherished role as beloved companions and partners in sport, recreation, and law enforcement. Humane World for Animals’ Equine Protection program includes a broad range of initiatives to encourage humane, responsible horse ownership and address the worst cruelties suffered by equines.

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  • Rabbits

    Rabbits + small animals

    Rabbits and other small animals, while sometimes called “pocket pets” or “starter pets,” are anything but. From implementing out-of-cage time to providing crucial routine care and educating potential adopters, you’ll find how your organization can improve the health and decrease the length of stay for these little adoptables.

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  • Wildlife


    More than ever, animal care and control professionals are tasked with responding to the public’s wildlife conflicts and concerns. Humane World for Animals has more than 30 years of experience in resolving urban wildlife conflicts and has developed an extensive library of resources for animal care and control professionals. Learn how to make your community a better place for your Wild Neighbors!

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  • Exotics


    The misguided notion that wild animals can be “tamed” as pets leads to dangers for both animals and people. Use our resources to defend these animals in their natural habitats which ensures they are protected from unnecessary suffering and the harmful wildlife trade.

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