Pets are welcome
Arbitrary breed and size restrictions in rental housing tear families apart and cause pets to become homeless. Let's put an end to policies that exclude pets by helping properties welcoming cats and dogs of all breeds and sizes.

Eliminating arbitrary restrictions on pet ownership in rental housing and ensuring all cats and dogs are welcome, regardless of their breed or size, could save hundreds of thousands of lives every year, preventing surrenders and opening up new homes for adoptable animals.
The strategies outlined in our Pets are Welcome Guide to Advocacy are geared to shift the way we think and talk about this major housing problem and expose the devastation it causes to pets and their people every single day. We’ve outlined different ways that you can inspire change in your community whether you have the capacity for taking just a few simple steps or if you’re ready to launch your own community-wide campaign!
Use the Pets are Welcome Guide to Advocacy to begin improving options for the millions of Americans who rent with pets, by tackling one of the largest contributors to pet homelessness at its source.