Committed to Cats pledge
Pledge your committment to community cats

Are you committed to cats? Are you committed to ensuring the welfare of cats currently living outdoors in your community? Are you committed to humanely reducing that population of cats, with the aim of eventually reaching zero unowned cats living outdoors?
Countless organizations are committing themselves to cats by employing life-saving and harm-preventing policies and programs. We invite you to become a part of this movement by signing Humane World for Animals Committed to Cats Pledge, which is a commitment to employing humane policies to manage community cats.
After signing the pledge, you will receive a Committed to Cats emblem to place in your organization’s window that indicates your commitment to humane community cat management.
Participating organizations will receive communications on new tools, discounted trainings and free resources on how to help more cats. Learn more about how your organization can help cats at
Commit to Cats
Our organization is Committed to Cats. We have adopted policies that promote the humane management of community cats, as indicated below. We agree to participate in the Committed to Cats Pledge, a program of Humane World for Animals (HSUS) and receive communications on new tools and resources on how to help more cats.