Job Description

Berkshire Humane Society is looking for a Full-time Shelter Behavior Coordinator who is familiar and comfortable working in an open admission shelter, while prioritizing ethical sheltering. This person will act as a resource to the shelter staff, advising on the best methods for creating and implementing training and behavior modification plans, low stress handling techniques, playgroups, and enrichment for complex cases in our shelter. Oversee post adoption behavior support, including phone, email and in-person counseling. Also, enjoys working with a diverse client base, working with clients and owners for various behavior issues through our Family Dog School program. Having the ability to adapt behavior and training plans to meet clients and dogs where they are currently. Must be comfortable evaluating a wide spectrum of canine behavior. Willing to travel to clients’ homes. Have the ability to lead group classes.

This is a full time job

Contact Information

Job Contact Details

John Perrault
Executive Director

Closing Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Posting Date:

Closing Date:
