illustration of a retching cat
Illustration by Rachel Stern/Humane World for Animals

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If it seems like your cat throws up more often than your dog, that’s because they (probably) do. Cats have more sensitive gastrointestinal systems, and their self-grooming habits mean they can ingest a lot of undigestible fur.

Sudden, one-time vomiting is often caused by a hairball, your cat eating something they shouldn’t have or an empty stomach (bile and stomach acid can irritate their digestive system and make them vomit a yellow-green, often foamy, liquid).

  • Feed your cat a late-night snack (to prevent morning vomiting) or leave out a measured amount of kibble for them to snack on.
  • Move any plants that are toxic to cats out of your pet’s reach.
  • If your cat vomits bile with hairballs, increase their grooming sessions and add small amounts of high-quality digestible fat (such as a fish oil formulation labeled and dosed for cats) to their food.

Vomiting after meals could indicate that your cat is eating too fast.

  • Offer smaller, more frequent meals or spread your cat’s food over the surface of a plate so they have to take smaller mouthfuls.
  • Switch to food with different, more limited ingredients.

See the vet if your cat experiences any of the following:

  • Chronic vomiting, which is repeated vomiting either several times in row or over days or months (can be a sign of intestinal blockage or other GI issues, parasites, allergies, or diseases such as kidney disease, liver disease or hyperthyroidism)
  • Potential toxin exposure, loss of appetite or constipation
  • Reddish or bloody vomit (can signal a potential injury in the mouth, esophagus or stomach or that your cat has eaten a foreign object)
  • Dark brown or black coffee-grounds-textured vomit (may indicate bleeding in the upper GI tract)


Decoding Cat Vomit
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