Success Stories submission form
You have a hundred stories of the amazing animals who've passed through your doors or come to live in your home. We want to feature your stories and photos of the pets you've helped, rescued, adopted, treated, rehomed and reunited!

Tell us about an animal who came into your care. What made them particularly special? Was it the perfect adoption—or a tricky one? Did they come from a harrowing cruelty case? Was it something funny about their behavior, or were they just so unusual-looking you'll never forget them?
If you've got a great picture, we'll contact you to get a few more details, and we'll feature your photo and the animal's story on HumanePro. Photos must be at least 300 dpi at 5-by-7 inches and at least 2MB and no more than 5MB. Submissions outside of these dimensions may be discarded. Questions or concerns? Please contact