a young owl with branches in the background
Photo by Emily Halesworth/Humane World for Animals

Recorded webinar

Does your agency’s mission for the humane treatment of animals extend not just to companion animals, but to wildlife too? Animal control facilities are increasingly tasked with responding to wildlife issues in their community, but standard operating procedures often stand in the way of achieving humane outcomes for wildlife. For instance, programs like trap-loan are well-intentioned, but in reality require unnecessary field response and agency resources, leave orphans behind, leave the root of the problem unaddressed, and inflict suffering on the very animals we work to protect.

Featuring the real agency experiences from the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA), this webinar will provide the roadmap and resources needed to begin transforming the way your agency and community deals with wildlife. The benefits are humane outcomes for wildlife in your community, a reduced workload for officers in the field, and a greater awareness in the community about how to solve problems with wildlife.

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  • Susan Getty
  • Jennifer Toussaint
