Adopters Welcome DIY action plan
This step-by-step plan makes transitioning to Adopters Welcome easy
The Adopters Welcome manual and webinar series were designed to help you maximize adoptions by embracing members of your community, encouraging them to adopt and helping them succeed as pet owners. This step-by-step action plan will help you easily transition to the Adopters Welcome philosophy!
Getting Started
Adopters Welcome is more than just converting to open, or conversation-based adoptions—it's a fundamental shift in how your organization thinks about adoptions, and how it connects people with animals. That's why it's so important to be sure that your organization understands the philosophy and approach behind Adopters Welcome, and is committed to implementing it fully.
Review your Policy
Examine your current policy to see whether you are saying "no" when you could--and should--be saying "yes."
Review your Procedure
Take a look at your marketing techniques, community outreach, adoption procedures and more, to help ensure that your adoption process is as free of barriers as possible.
Set the Stage for Success
Adopters Welcome is premised on the notion that everyone on your adoption team will do their best to enable adopters to successfully adopt the pet they want, instead of judging, looking for "red flags" and saying "no." This can be a scary thought, especially if you're not confident every adoption team member is qualified to help an elderly man to adopt a rambunctious Jack Russell mix puppy, or assist a mother of three small children to integrate a shy boxer into her household. There's no denying that saying "no" in these scenarios is likely the easiest approach, but Adopters Welcome requires your team to find ways to say "yes" and offer the guidance needed to set these adopters up for success!
Get Your Team on Board
Time to bring your full team on board. This includes everyone who has a role in adoptions at any part of the adoption process: adoption counselors, team members who may field adoption-related questions, foster families, volunteers at pet supply store locations. Everyone who has contact with potential adopters needs to understand why you're asking them to think differently about how they approach adoptions and embrace the Adopters Welcome program.
Train Your Team
Get your team ready to engage and support more adopters. Everyone needs to be comfortable using the Adopters Welcome style that attracts adopters and offers them support if they need it.
Celebrate Your New Program
Now that your new policies are approved and in place, your procedures work to maximize adoptions, and your team is trained and raring to go, it's time to make sure your community knows that you have an Adopters Welcome program.
Conduct a Self-Assessment
As your team grows with your Adopters Welcome philosophy and program, you can have confidence that you are still maximizing adoptions by occasionally examining the policies and procedures you've put in place.
Step One: Getting Started
- Resources to help you get started:
- Ensure that all of your decision makers (e.g. Board of Directors, leadership team, municipal authority, etc.) are on board, so there is top-down support of Adopters Welcome implementation. Use the Convince Leadership to Adopt Adopters Welcome document to help.
- Determine who is the best person or team to handle each task. If you won't be handling the tasks of this plan yourself, empower an individual or team to lead the implementation process.
- Gather your data. The best way to prove the success of an Adopters Welcome program is to have "before and after" data. Some statistics to consider collecting include: number of animals adopted, average length of stay, number of animals returned, zip codes of adopters, current number of volunteers, etc. (NOTE: Don't let a lack of data stop you from making the switch to Adopters Welcome! If you don't have an easy way to get these numbers, it isn't worth holding up the process. Your new results will speak for themselves.)
Step Two: Review your Policy
- Resources to review:
- Complete the Adopters Welcome Adoption Policy Review Worksheet. If it alerts you to policies that need to be rewritten, use the *Adopters Welcome Adoption Policies document as a template.
- If any of your organization's policies do not yet match those of Adopters Welcome, use the Put Your Policy to the Adopters Welcome Test document to examine them.
Step Three: Review your Procedure
- Resources to review:
- Take steps to expand your current marketing and outreach plans to ensure your "blind spots" are eliminated.
- Customize the Develop an Adoption Marketing Action Plan document to best suit your agency, and be sure to use it for every adoptable animal.
- Use ASPCA's Little Black Book of Adoption Promotion Ideas as inspiration to develop additional strategies for better marketing of your adoption events.
- Use the Adopters Welcome: Adoption Procedures Review Worksheet, and implement recommended changes to make potential adopters feel more welcomed by your organization.
- Review your website and have changes ready to go live when everything is in place and your team is trained. Your website needs to reflect your Adopters Welcome philosophy and policies so the "online you" is as welcoming and open as you are in person. Review your language to be sure outdated demands have been removed and forms are up-to-date.
- Use the sample Adopters Welcome Questionnaire as a template to replace your existing adoption application.
Step Four: Set the Stage for Success
- Resources to review:
- Adopters Welcome manual, Rely on Conversations Instead of Applications
- Adopters Welcome manual, Train Your Team
- Adopters Welcome manual, List of Research Cited
- Archived Webinar: Adopters Welcome Counseling: Preparing Your Team to Engage and Support Adopters
- ASPCApro's Tips on Communicating with Adopters video
- ASPCApro's Customer Service for Social Change webinar
- Adopters Welcome FAQ: Setting the Stage for Team Success
- Customize the Key Background Information for Adoption Staff and Volunteers template to fit your organization's needs.
- Customize and add to the Resources for Adoption Counselors template to fit your organization's needs.
- Create a collection of quick-reference sheets for helping adopters address potential challenges like house-training, scratching, leash-pulling, etc. Use the Support Adopters During and After the Adoption Process as a template.
- Visit Animal Sheltering's Trainings page to find conferences, webinars and other events pertinent to the shelters and rescue groups.
- Sign up for sheltering and rescue newsletters and blogs. You can find some of these listed under "Professional Development" here.
- Join networking sites like the Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and list-serv at The HSUS Volunteer Management Portal.
Step Five: Get Your Team On Board
- Have your entire team read the Adopters Welcome manual
- Have your entire team view the following webinars from the Adopters Welcome webinar series. Make sure you provide opportunities for group discussion after each viewing.
- Share your new policy and procedure documents with your team, and consider any suggestions they offer.
- Schedule time with your team to allow for questions and review of Adopters Welcome FAQ.
Step Six: Train Your Team
- Resource to review:
- Have your entire team view the following webinars from the Adopters Welcome webinar series. Make sure you provide opportunities for group discussion after each viewing.
- Archived Webinar: Adopters Welcome Counseling: Preparing Your Team to Engage and Support Adopters
- Archived Webinar: Adopters Welcome Counseling: Practicing the Conversation
- ASPCApro's Tips on Communicating with Adopters video
- ASPCApro's Customer Service for Social Change webinar
- Ensure the team is well-versed in your newly updated adoption documents.
- Set aside time for team role-playing to practice new ways to interact with adopters.
- Be creative! Find additional opportunities to discuss your organization's conversion to Adopters Welcome philosophy and policies with your team.
Step Seven: Celebrate Your New Program
- Explore every opportunity to celebrate this milestone in your organization's history. Here are some ideas:
- Put website updates in place
- Host an adoption open house
- Take out ads in local papers
- Ask your municipal officials to pass a proclamation
Step Eight: Conduct a Self-Assessment
- Take time to monitor progress, and make adjustments where needed by returning to these resources and celebrating ongoing successes.
- When new team members join, have them start with Step Five and continue through the training process.
- Continue to collect data to share the proof of your success. After a period of time, you'll want to compare your "before and after" numbers. Share them with your team and your community members.