Performing humane euthanasia
When the difficult decision is made that euthanasia is the only option, it is critical to ensure it is performed as humanely as possible

Although Humane World for Animals does not provide direct euthanasia training, we do believe that when the difficult decision is made to euthanize an animal, it is critical to ensure it is performed as humanely as possible through euthanasia by injection (EBI) by trained personnel who utilize the most current recommended protocols and humane handling guidelines.
The University of Florida is currently in the process of revising the Humane World Euthanasia Reference Manual, which has been the definitive basic education tool for understanding the methods and techniques of performing humane euthanasia. While we await the release of UF’s new revision, you may download the digital version of the 2013 manual in English or in Spanish for free below.
Please note that the Verifying Death chapter and some of the other information in this 10+ year old text is outdated and no longer considered best practices.
You do not need permission from Humane World for Animals to use this manual; however, use of this manual does not constitute a “Humane World training.” If you are seeking euthanasia by injection training, see our our listing of humane euthanasia training resources..