Usable communications: COVID-19 Shelter Toolkit
Downloadable communication resources
Daily Updates | Animals | People | Community Planning | Usable Communications
As you adjust your operations during the pandemic, it’s vital that you share the most up-to-date and accurate information with your community, staff and volunteers. The North American COVID-19 Communication Task Force, a collaboration of animal welfare organizations across the U.S and Canada (see full list at the bottom of the page), created these materials to help you communicate with a variety of audiences—pet parents, shelter staff, law enforcement and foster families in your community.
You can add your own branding to these resources (as long as the key messages remain unchanged) or use them as is.
General public
The two most important messages we need to get out to pet owners: make a plan for your pets in the event you are unable to care for them and ensure your pets are safe at home.
Download and share this PSA with your community:
- Download this video in mp4 file format to can co-brand it with your logo
- Download this PSA in Spanish
This infographic and video is in collaboration with NACA to help parents dealing with working at home balancing kids and pets:
- Download this video in mp4 file format to can co-brand it with your logo
- Download the infographic (png)
The following materials can be shared on your social media channels, printed and posted in your facility or other places, or shared in email communications.
Should I test my pet for COVID-19?
How to keep pets safe at home during COVID-19
Include pets in your preparedness plan amid COVID-19 concerns from Humane Canada
"Thank you" social media images (share your appreciation with your volunteers, adopters, donors, and more!)
- Thank you (generic) - version 1 (png)
- Thank you (generic) - version 2 (png)
- Thank you for fostering (png) (see more foster-targeted thank you graphics under "Foster families" below
- Thank you for adopting (png)
- Thank you border template - add a photo 1 (pdf)
- Thank you border template - add a photo 2 (pdf)
"I can help" images (encourage animal lovers in your community to offer help to their friends and family members with pets)
- I can help you with your pet (jpg)
- I can help you with your dog (jpg)
- I can help you with your cat (jpg)
Shelter staff
Remind your staff what critical services entail and why safety protocols are key.
Shelter staff and COVID-19 priorities
Law enforcement/Animal control officers
Help keep your ACOs safe and focused on priority needs. Consider printing hard copies for your officers, or share the file in an email memo.
Protect yourself so you can keep helping your community
Equip your ACOs with this public-facing two-sided flyer that debunks myths about COVID-19 and encourages pet owners to plan for emergencies.
COVID-19 & your pet
Share this video demonstrating PPE and decontamination strategies.
ACO decontamination by San Diego Humane Society
Foster families
Keep your foster families informed and motivated.
Can my foster animal spread COVID-19?
Why you should foster during the COVID-19 pandemic
How to photograph and market your foster animal
Thank your foster volunteers
- Thank you foster parents (jpg)
- Thank you foster parents (pdf)
- Thank you (generic) - version 1 (png)
- Thank you (generic) - version 2 (png)
- Thank you for fostering (png)
- Thank you border template - add a photo 1 (pdf)
- Thank you border template - add a photo 2 (pdf)
These resources were intentionally left brand neutral. You may brand them with your organization's name and logo, as long as the key messages remain unchanged. If you're short on time or design skills, feel free to use these resources as is.
We'd like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the marketing pros who donated their time and expertise to creating accurate and shareable communications.

COVID-19 Daily Updates | Animals | People | Community Planning | Usable Communications