There’s something about Larry
Shelter volunteer falls in love with FIV-positive cat

I fell in love the moment I saw Larry—and that was before I knew his story or cuddled him. While every animal is special, some steal your heart and never let go. That was Larry.
Larry came in as a stray to the Washington Humane Society; his pelvis was broken in two places, he was missing several teeth and turned out to be FIV-positive. He was also the sweetest cat you could ever meet. On cage rest, he had nothing to do but look cute and tempt staff and volunteers with snuggles, which he got—a lot! I would hold Larry while I wrote cat bios for our website. We would snuggle and I would talk to him, and I knew that only the most special of humans would do for that darling boy.
When Larry’s human came in she certainly wasn’t looking for a cat with his history, but she was open to meeting him. She wanted a snuggly cat and was so warm herself, I knew these two would hit it off. We talked about FIV and how it wasn’t anything to be afraid of and how Larry could lead a normal lifespan with love and proper care.
I knew within two minutes of Mary holding Larry (yep—Mary and Larry!) that he had found his forever home. That was two years ago now, and we still keep in touch. Larry is just as loved and cherished as he deserves to be, and Mary is blissfully snuggled every day. And me? I couldn’t be happier.