A word from us
Thank you from Animal Sheltering magazine

Even in a year as unsettling as 2020, the holidays are a time to take stock and find reasons to be grateful. As we also wrap up Animal Sheltering’s four-decades-plus run as a print magazine, we’d like to thank some of the folks who have helped the magazine thrive.
You, the readers, are at the top of that list. Without you, we’d be just another tree falling in the forest. Thanks for reading, subscribing, sharing your ideas and expertise, and offering feedback.
The magazine has benefited from many loyal advertisers over the years. A special shout out goes to ReNae Vorgert, the only advertising manager in Animal Sheltering’s history.
Thanks to Shawn Paxton and his team at Imlay International, our longtime print management firm, for navigating the sometimes tricky terrain between designed files and published magazine, and to Bussolati Associates, which designed the magazine for many years before our own talented design team took the reins.
We’ll forever be grateful to Animal Sheltering’s guiding editorial lights, former editors Nancy Lawson (author of The Humane Gardener and regular wildlife columnist for the HSUS’s membership magazine, All Animals) and Carrie Allan (who now oversees communications for the entirety of the HSUS).
Lastly, thank you to our roster of reliable freelance writers— Pamela Babcock, Olivia Bobrowsky, Arna Cohen, Colleen Jaskot and Kelly Madrone—who have helped this tiny team pull off a big magazine.
We hope you’ll continue to visit us at HumanePro.org, and we wish you and yours a happy and safe 2021!