Continuing education opportunities
Animal Care Expo 2025
Please note: CE providers require attendees to self-report their hours. Humane World for Animals will not be reporting CEs on behalf of any attendees, unless otherwise notated next to the specific credit. Humane World for Animals does not take responsibility in the case that the governing body chooses not to accept pre-approved CEs for any reason.
This page will be continue to be updated as workshops are approved by these CE providers. Please check back for more details.
Certified Animal Welfare Administrators (CAWA)
Humane World for Animals is an approved provider of content that enhances professional competence and aligns with the 5 domains of the CAWA Exam specifications. Every hour of training equals 1 CE towards CAWA certification.
National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA)
This conference falls in line with the Continuing Educational Units policy as outlined by the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA). National certificate holders can submit for credit consistent with the NACA CEU policy.
American Association of Veterinary State Boards (RACE)
The Animal Care Expo workshops listed below are approved for continuing education credit for veterinarians and veterinary technicians in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE approval; however, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education.
Contact HSVMA at for further information.
Title | Hours | Track | Start Date & Time | Medical or Non-medical |
Animal handling and capture for modern professionals | 5.5 | Learning Labs | 4/15/2025 8:30am | NM |
Build your big dog superhighway | 5.5 | Learning Labs | 4/15/2025 8:30am | NM |
Increasing capacity and improving patient and staff welfare in HQHVSN programs | 5.5 | Learning Labs | 4/15/2025 8:30am | NM |
Not just spay/neuter: Finding better ways to help animals globally | 5.5 | Learning Labs | 4/15/2025 8:30am | NM |
Defeating distemper: New strategies for shelter management and outbreak response | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/16/2025 8:00am | M |
Behavioral euthanasia: Fact and fiction | 1.5 | Behavior | 4/16/2025 3:00pm | NM |
How law enforcement and veterinarians can partner to prevent animal cruelty | 1.5 | Field Services | 4/16/2025 3:00pm | NM |
New vaccination recommendations for neonatal puppies and kittens | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/16/2025 3:00pm | M |
Challenging the gold standard: Rethinking veterinary care to reach underserved populations | 1.5 | Access to Care | 4/17/2025 8:00am | NM |
Equitable recruitment and retention of veterinary technicians | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/17/2025 8:00am | NM |
Lessons from the burn zone: Community Cats and disaster response after the Maui wildfire | 1.5 | Cats | 4/17/2025 8:00am | NM |
Nurturing resilience and intentional well-being: Commitment to self is a commitment to your craft PART 1 | 1.5 | Expanding Our Reach | 4/17/2025 2:15pm | NM |
Unlocking cultural IQ for animal welfare and veterinary leaders of tomorrow | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/17/2025 2:15pm | NM |
Coordinating at-home care for parvo treatment | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/17/2025 3:45pm | M |
Managing and preventing house soiling | 1.5 | Cats | 4/17/2025 3:45pm | NM |
Nurturing resilience and intentional well-being: Commitment to self is a commitment to your craft PART 2 | 1.5 | Expanding Our Reach | 4/17/2025 3:45pm | NM |
From stress to success: Improving cat welfare and save rates in shelters | 1.5 | Behavior | 4/18/2025 8:15am | NM |
Mitigating feline upper respiratory infections (URI) in shelters through stress management | 1.5 | Cats | 4/18/2025 8:15am | M |
Veterinary professionals as animal advocates: The power of the veterinary voice | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/18/2025 8:15am | NM |
Veterinary social work: The what, why and how | 1.5 | Progressive Programs | 4/18/2025 8:15am | NM |
Addressing cultural competencies to enhance veterinary care | 1.5 | Access to Care | 4/18/2025 9:45am | NM |
Evaluating the use of anti-anxiety medications in shelter pets: When and why? | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/18/2025 9:45am | M |
Access to care policy: A new frontier | 1.5 | Access to Care | 4/18/2025 11:15am | NM |
Advances in treating Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP): From death sentence to hope | 1.5 | Veterinary Medicine | 4/18/2025 11:15am | M |
Diversify your workforce: Building authentic partnerships to deliver better outcomes | 1.5 | Community Engagement | 4/18/2025 11:15am | NM |
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
The following workshops have been approved for continuing education units for IAABC. Any attendees wishing to claim CEs at relevant Expo workshops are responsible for signing in at the workshop.
Title | Track | Start Date & Time |
Building trust, one behavior at a time: A modern approach to socialization for fearful kittens | Behavior | 4/16/2025 8:00am |
Behavioral euthanasia: Fact and fiction | Behavior | 4/16/2025 3:00pm |
Barriers to access to care in pet ownership and training | Behavior | 4/17/2025 2:15pm |
Managing and preventing house soiling | Cats | 4/17/2025 3:45pm |
Ten tips to make you a more impactful dog handler | Behavior | 4/17/2025 3:45pm |
Evaluating the use of anti-anxiety medications in shelter pets: When and why? | Veterinary Medicine | 4/18/2025 9:45am |
Stranger danger! Building confidence in reactive dogs | Behavior | 4/18/2025 9:45am |
Building impactful, inclusive and sustainable community-based training and behavior programs | Global Spotlight | 4/18/2025 11:15am |
The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers
The following workshops have been approved for continuing education units by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. Any attendees wishing to claim CCPDT CEs at relevant Expo workshops are responsible for signing in at the workshop and providing their certificant number. The Expo team will report all sign-ins after the event so you can claim your CEs.
- Behavioral euthanasia: Fact and fiction on Wednesday, 4/16, has been approved for 1 CEU for behavior consultants
- Ten tips to make you a more impactful dog handler on Thursday, 4/17, has been approved for 0.5 CEU for trainers
- Stranger danger! Building confidence in reactive dogs on Friday, 4/18, has been approved for 0.5 CEU for trainers